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mi demographic auto typer
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Hello everyone, SS-Auto Typer introduces MI Demographic auto typer for MI Demographic form filling work (or) MI Data entry work.
MI Demographic auto typer is automatic form-filling software. MI Demographic Auto Typer automates MI Demographic data entry entries in MI Demographic software.
The MI Demographic company provides you with data in jpg images.
SS Auto Typer Company converts all jpg images into excel format using software, which is an editable text format. In excel conversion, we will not get 100% accuracy some typo mistakes or errors will come, but we have a chance to correct the mistakes in the excel sheet.
How to use MI Demographic Auto Typer:
1. Open MI Demographic Auto Typer.
2. Press the Browse Excel File Button, select converted excel and upload into MI Demographic Auto Typer Software.
3. In the middle of the MI Demographic Auto Typer, MI Demographic form numbers (or) MI Demographic record numbers will be arranged in a serial wise.
4. Select one form number or record number for automatic typing.
5. Now Open MI Demographic Software, press the Select Image button and upload the image.
6. Now in MI Demographic Auto Typer, adjust typing speed to 100 for speed typing.
7. Press Start Auto Typing Button in MI Demographic Auto Typer, Place the cursor within 3 sec into MI Demographic Software's Record Number column.
8. MI Demographic Auto Typer simulates keyboard keystrokes just like manual typing. It means client software cannot detect MI Demographic auto typer.
9. After Auto Typing is complete, press the save button in MI Demographic.
Thanks for watching MI Demographic Auto Typer.
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