Health Insurance Form Filling Auto Typer

 Health Insurance Form Filling Auto Typer

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Welcome to ss auto typer software services
SS Auto Typer is an automatic form-filling software. Auto Typer is used to automate the online or offline form-filling data entry process. To use this auto typer, you need to convert the jpg and gif images provided by clients to an excel sheet, and data must be arranged in tabs as per the client software requirement. Once after converting the data into excel, load the file in SS form filling auto typer and select each record and start auto form filling.

Trail Version:
Download free auto typer, click the link below the description, and free auto typer will automatically download.
SS form filling auto typer trial version supports all features and limits to work for the first 20 records. you can work with unlimited forms/fields after purchasing a valid license from us. Download the free version of SS Form Filling Auto Typer and try it today.

Download Free Auto Typer:
Click here to 
*Download Free Auto Typer for Health Insurance Form Filling*

1) Simulate keyboard keystrokes just like manual typing. It means client software cannot detect auto typer.
2) User-friendly interface design makes it easy to use.
supports excel(*.xls, *.xls) format files to load data.
3) Easy record selection from the dropdown
4) It works for offline and online form filling.
5) Provision to adjust the typing speed.
6) Keep on top option is available
7) provides an option to show the serial number for the loaded excel data.

Working process:
Open SS Auto Typer.
Press the Browse Excel File Button and upload a jpg or gif image to an excel converted file.
Open your company-provided health insurance form filling interface.
Take a new window, press the source button in the health insurance form filling interface and upload a jpg or gif image.
Adjust the image as per your convenience.
Now, it is the time to auto typing.
Select which record or form you need to type in SS Auto Typer Software.
Adjust typing speed as you like.
Press the start typing button and immediately place the cursor in the health insurance form filling interface first column that is the image name column.
Now don't touch any keyboard and mouse, just live it.
SS Auto Typer types all the data in health insurance form filling interface columns.
After completing the typing Auto Typer will stop the typing.
SS Auto Typer is a 100% Accurate auto typer.
SS Auto Typer reduces manual efforts.
You will get enough time to correct errors or mistakes. It is a very important thing to achieve your accuracy levels. So that you can able to get good income.
Work smart and work safely.
For more details
Contact us
Mr. Jai Raj
mobile: 83098 3368

#healthinsuranceformfilling #autotyper #dataentry


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