We provide Html tagging software and take html tagging charges of Rs 2/- per page.
We can tag around 1000 files in a 5-6 seconds with our HTML Tagging software.
Software price just 5000/-


Our conversion software can process all kinds of images in HTML/SGML/EPUB Projects. Our HTML Tagging Conversion Software can process TIF/GIF/JPED/PDF files in to DOC/Text/HTML effectively with high speed and accuracy. You can send some sample pages and check the quality of our HTML Tagging Conversion Tool. Our QC Checking solution will help you in achieving 100% accuracy. We offer our services at very low prices so that every one can afford our services. Send us your samples to and check the quality of our services yourself. Samples are processed for free.

Note: All kinds of EPUB, OEBS, AUS, UAE, UDS, UTL, SOP, XENA, etc images are supported by our software.

We do not compromise at all in quality parameters. Our highly qualified dedicated team and infrastructure helps us providing world class quality services to our clients. We have large number of clients who are very much satisfied with our quality services. We continuously update our HTML Tagging Conversion Software to ensure our clients get good conversion quality all the time.

Our software is especially designed for current running HTML Tagging Process. We promise you that your work load will be handled with in a day.

Data can be processed form any format such as TIFF,GIF,TIFF, JPEG, etc into TEXT(Notepad), HTML (Tagged file), MS WORD 2003, MS WORD 2007, Word Pad, etc formats. We can provide output in any format.

 Tagging takes 2 to 3 seconds. There will be no error in tagging. Date and Time will be adjusted for every file in such a format that the data will look as if typed in a duration of 12 to 15 days. Typing is emulated in the conversion process i.e., instead of conversion, typing is emulated in notepad/doc file which makes the quality reach according to the specifications of the project.

It takes 20 Sec (Min) to 2 Min (Max) for proof reading a single DOC file. Generally it takes 20 to 30 mins to type a single page. 99% of your work is done by us and after all you will achieve 100% accuracy. We will assure you in that. Using our services, you can submit work with 100% accuracy and get good payments.

Conversion is done within minutes. We can manage huge work load (30,000+ files) per day. We give you 99.99% accuracy. You have to proof read the converted files and send them back for tagging. We will tag the files and send you back files in .html format or .txt format which ever you specify.

For more details, send us your sample pages to and check the quality of conversion yourself. We assure you 100% satisfaction.

Our Image to HTML Tagging Conversion Software can process all kinds of images in HTML/E PUB Projects.
Our HTML Tagging Data Conversion Software can process TIFF/GIF/JPEG/PDF files in to DOC/Text/HTML effectively with high speed and accuracy.
You can send some sample pages and check the quality of our HTML Tagging Conversion Tool. Our QC Checking solution will help you in achieving 100% accuracy.
We are constantly updating our html tagging conversion software from 4 years.

We offer our html tagging conversion services at very low prices so that everyone can afford our services.

Conversion - 10 Rs Per  Page
Tagging    -  2 Rs Per Page
Minimum    - 100 Pages

We can handle 5000+ Images per day. Files will be delivered in 4 to 8 hours.
Typing is emulated instead of conversion. So, the client will never know about the conversion process.
Special Characters like ' ^ ' are avoided during the tagging process.
By following these instructions, we can achieve 100% accuracy and the client will never come to know about the conversion process.
Training will be offered to our clients to reach 100% accuracy in their projects. HTML tagging conversion will be provided with best quality.
The last but most important point is Date/Time adjustments. We adjust date and time for each and every file such that it looks like normal typing is performed within a duration of 12 to 15 days. Time for completing each file is randomized along the the difference between 2 files, etc. Everything is randomized.
Check for grammar errors in the page. It can be done only in word. This is why we provide converted pages in word format with image superimposed on back of text. Our html tagging conversion software is designed to include these features.
Using these techniques, we avoid client software detection problem.

Tagging takes 2 to 3 seconds. There will be no error in tagging. Date and Time will be adjusted for every file in such a format that the data will look as if typed in a duration of 12 to 15 days.
Typing is emulated in the conversion process i.e., instead of conversion, typing is emulated in notepad/doc file which makes the quality reach according to the specifications of the project.


Mr. Jai Raj

Mobile : +91 7674858953


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