About Us
Welcome To Raz Data Conversion Service:
We are wellknown to the data entry conversion services in the present market. We solved many problems related to data entry conversions.We are the experts in the image conversions like jpg,tiff,giff,.cmt,pdf into text format. Even though the Data entry companies are against the data conversions but we are solving and getting the output same as typing text format and our customers are in safe side and getting payments from Data entry companies. Till now many customers had approached our conversions and nobody caught by the Data entry companies.
The main features of our software are as follows:
1. Our software guarantee to provide 99% of accuracy in the data conversions from any image to text conversions.
2. Our special feature is, no special characters like character mapping,special symbols which are not present in keyboard are not allowed by our software.
3. We will submit your work load with in a day itself.
4. Everyday, more than 1 lakhs files are converted by our software.
5. 24*7 customer support will be provided to our beloved customers.
Everyday we will do image to text conversions.The main requriment from our customers are to convert image to notepad or image to word conversions.CMT,JPEG,GIF,TIFF,PNG files are converted with 99% accuracy into notepad/word conversions. Recently we solved software protected . CMT files which are hidden by software. We breaked the protected software files and provided images in gif format and converted files into text format to our customers.
After we do conversion from image to text,we will convert them into html file.This is requried to those customers who will taken html tagging projects.In this we will provide you 90% accuracy which will satisfied by the outsourcing companies. Cost for this html tagging is very less price when compare our prices with outside market. We will also provide your work load within 2 hours.
We are the experts in the market to provide form filing conversion services.Many of our customers are gaining 20,000 to 25,000 every month,this is because of our software conversion which will provide you morethan 95% of accuracy.Our price is cost effective way and satisfied by many customers.The following are different form filling conversions that we will provide to our customers.
1.Medical form filling
2.Automobile form filling
3.Telecom form filling
1) What will be the accuracy level provided by our software?
-- We are the experts in getting the best accuracy level from any image files like jpeg,tiff,gif,pdf and png files by using our software tools. After conversion of image files into notepad/text files customers will get 94% accuracy level and rest is done by customers or our qc workers, So 100% accuracy level will get to the every customer and we guarantee in that.
2) Within how many hours we will submit files to the customer?
-- Will will submit your files between 4hours to 24th hour. So customers will recieve there files in the same day itself.
3) What is the cost?
-- When you come to the cost , it depends on your number of files. So please note the following
*For less than 50 files per month we will charge you 20/- per page.
*For greater than 50-1000 files per month we will charge you 10/- per page.
*For QC work we will charge 40/- per page and in this conversion charges are not applicable and it is free.
*For HTML Tagging we will charge 5/- INR per page.
*For FORM FILLING, we will charge 10/- INR per page.
Note:These are reasonable prices
4) How companies found files are converted and how to overcome these problems? --
Companies suspect on customers,when files are converted by any of the following way.
a) Companies first search that Is there any characters found in notepad files which are not present in keybord and those characters are generated by software when files are converted.
b) Every Software converts each file in milli seconds and there is no time difference between the files,So we have to change the time variations between each files and this can be done by the customers when doing proof reading after conversion.
c) Companies not allow mapping characters, means coping characters from google which are not present in keyboard. So, to overcome these problems, customers have to check is there any mapping characters pasted in notepad files before submitting to the company.
Note: Our software does not generate any characters which are not found in keyword becoz our software is ICR Software.It reads only the characters that are found in Image file and no extra characters are generated. ________________________________________________________________________
(IMAGE TO TEXT with 99% accuracy)
Customer satisfaction is our priority.
We convert JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, PDF, DjVu to Text
Data Conversion with high accuracy.
Conversion of handwriting fonts from extremely low resolution image formats (JPG,JPEG,TIF,GIF,BMP,PNG,JIF,AI, PDF, etc) into .text, notepad or .Doc (MS Word) with excellent high accuracy output.
We also convert the Images to the third-party text editors such as Agent, Text ruler etc and formats like .adl,.nik,.ong, .dxt, .nbo formats. (Charges +5 Rs per page extra for these extensions (third party text editor formats)
Please send 2-3 samples of your image files to my mail and get the converted text file instantly. Analyse the
converted work and then send all the work and make the payment. Get all the converted files within 2-3 hrs.
-We undertake all types of data conversions.
-24*7 Hours Service
-We maintain 100% accuracy levels with an expert proof reading.
-Proof reading hardly takes Seconds or minutes, but to type a single paper, it takes about 15 to 20 minutes.
-We can handle huge amount of data such as 25000 files per day.
-We are specialized in doing the image superimposition.
-The customized software which we use is unique and capable of converting all the image formats -like JPEG/TIF/GIF/PDF/PNG into TEXT/NOTEPAD/HTML.
Our Services:
- Image to text conversion.(including image to other file extensions like (.ogs.nbo.nik.ons.adl)
- Image processing.
- Html tagging
- Time & Date Change
- Proof reading software (QC Software)
- QC Reporting
- Autotyper (Data Transfer from notepad to Agent/other text editors.
- Image to text Convertor/QC software (Proof Reader) sales and service/